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Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip & Fall Injuries

Personal Injury

Slip and fall accidents occur when an individual slips, trips, or stumbles due to a hazardous condition on the property. For instance, a slippery floor, an uneven surface, an obstruction, or a lack of railings can all lead to a slip and fall accident. It’s important to note that property owners are legally responsible for keeping their premises safe and free from hazards that could lead to a slip and fall accident. 


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Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents are a common type of injury in Ontario. While the majority of these incidents are minor in nature, they can still cause considerable pain, discomfort, and financial burdens. It is important for Ontario residents to be aware of the potential hazards of a slip and fall accident, and the steps they can take to protect themselves.

Slip and fall accidents are often caused by hazardous conditions on a property. These conditions may include wet or slippery floors, broken or uneven stairs, or cluttered walkways. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of their property, and should take necessary steps to ensure it is not a hazard to those who visit.

If you do slip and fall, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Even if the injury appears minor, you could be suffering from hidden damage such as a concussion or broken bone. In addition, you should also take photos and record the details of the accident. This can be useful if you decide to pursue a personal injury claim in the future.

To protect yourself, you should always practice caution when walking on a property. Be aware of your surroundings, wear proper shoes, and take your time. If you notice a hazardous condition on the property, it is best to report it to the owner or manager right away.

Slip and fall accidents can be a serious matter in Ontario. By understanding the potential hazards, and taking precautions to protect yourself, you can help reduce your risk of injury.

Injured by a Slip and Fall Accident?

If you have suffered a slip and fall injury, you may be wondering what Cordaie Paralegal Services can do to help. The answer is simple: a lot. Hiring an experienced paralegal can have a tremendous impact on the success of your claim.

First, we will be able to help you navigate the legal system. We’ll be able to explain the process and the necessary steps for filing a claim. We can also provide guidance on the legal issues involved in a slip and fall case. This can include identifying any applicable laws or statutes of limitation that may be applicable, as well as filing the appropriate paperwork in a timely manner.

Second, our experienced paralegal can help you determine the value of your claim. They can advise you on the types of damages you may be able to recover, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our team can also identify which insurance policies may be applicable to your situation and determine what kind of compensation you may be entitled to.

Third, we can help you build a strong case. We can gather evidence to support your claim, such as photographs or witness statements. Our paralegal can also help you negotiate a settlement with the responsible party or their insurance company.

Finally, our experienced team can provide you with valuable insight into the process. We can answer any questions you have and provide advice and guidance throughout your case.

In conclusion, hiring Cordaie Paralegal Services after suffering a slip and fall injury can be a smart decision. Our firm can help you navigate the legal system, determine the value of your claim, build a strong case, and provide valuable insight every step of the way.

Schedule your free consultation today by calling 844-4-WIN-4-ME.

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Slip and Fall Injuries

Some information that you should know about slip & fall injuries.

Slip and Fall: Causes

There are a number of factors that contribute to slip and fall injuries, some of which are poorly maintained properties. Those who have been injured due to hazardous conditions created by the property owner or manager may file a slip and fall lawsuit. This is if the owner or manager created those conditions.

Identifying and removing hazards or alerting people to the existence of hazards is the key element of a slip and fall case in which the property manager, owner, or other responsible party is found negligent in identifying the hazards, removing them, or alerting people to their existence. There could be a slip and fall injury claim made against a property owner who knows that there is a hazard on the property but does nothing about it, resulting in an injury and a claim for compensation.

Slip and fall injuries are caused by:

  • Carpet that is torn
  • Floorboards that have been damaged
  • Floors that are wet without warning
  • Tiles or sidewalks that are cracked
  • Sidewalks that are icy
  • Handrails that do not meet safety standards

Slip and Fall: Injuries

The majority of people who are injured in a slip and fall accident walk away with minor injuries, but it is not always the case for a victim of an injury. As a result of serious injuries such as a traumatic brain injury or a spinal cord injury, it can be difficult or even impossible to return to work depending on where and when you call.

There is no doubt that the medications, physical therapy, and any surgeries that the victim has to undergo have a significant impact on their lives. It is not uncommon for people who have been injured in slip and fall accidents to suffer from pain for months or even years and their quality of life is greatly impacted as a result.

While it is true that many slip and fall accidents only result in a little discomfort that soon fades away, it is also true that more serious injuries can happen as well. Among the types of injuries that can occur are broken or fractured bones, spinal injuries, carpel tunnel syndrome, soft tissue injuries, and back injuries, among others. The victims may also suffer from chronic pain symptoms, migraine headaches, sleep disorders, and internal organ injuries, depending on the nature of the slip and fall incident that caused them to fall. The severity of an accident caused by a slip and fall can be even greater for those who are particularly vulnerable, such as the elderly or disabled. There are some cases in which this can even result in death.

Slip and Fall: Procedure if You Are Injured

There are four things you should do if you are injured as a result of a slip and fall accident in the province, and you noticed that the area where you fell was not properly maintained.

1. Keep an Incident Record

In the event of a slip and fall, it's important to record the date, time, and location of the accident. Any witnesses to the fall should be asked for their full name, phone number, email address, and any other relevant information. You should ask witnesses for confirmation by email or text message once you've obtained this information. The fall will be admissible as evidence in your personal injury case if you provide written proof. Additionally, take pictures and videos of the scene after speaking with witnesses. The evidence will help date-stamp the incident, as well as support your claim that the area wasn't properly maintained when you fell.

It is important to document the nature of the incident before the weather or the responsible party alters conditions at the site, as slip and fall accidents commonly occur outside of a victim's own home. You should try to take pictures of both the accident site and the injuries as soon as possible (if it is possible).

2. Keep a Journal of Everything That Happens

In the blink of an eye, a slip and fall accident can occur in a matter of seconds. The consequence of this is that, at a later date, it may seem hard to recall exactly what happened because of this.

It is best to write down all the details that come to your mind while you are still fresh in your mind about the incident.

Describe the location of your fall, what you think caused it to happen, the part of your body that you fell on, and any pain that you are experiencing since you fell.

3. Get Medical Attention as Soon as Possible

In the event of a fall, medical attention should be sought immediately. In your doctor's office or another health care provider's office, describe what happened, what part of your body is injured, and where you feel pain or discomfort. You can construct a written history of the incident by seeing medical professionals regularly after the incident.

Every appointment you have with your doctor or another health professional is documented in writing. In this case, we are dealing with a paper record. If you file a claim for personal injury, the owner of the property is unlikely to be able to argue that you did not hurt yourself.

4. Contact Us

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in the province of Ontario, it is important that you get in touch with the experienced personal injury paralegals at Cordaie Paralegal Services as soon as possible. Depending on where you fell, the amount of time you have to notify the appropriate party of your personal injury claim is determined by the location.

Based on the circumstances, our team can help you determine whether the injury occurred on municipal property or private property, and if so, we can ensure that the notice you provide complies with all applicable laws and statutes. There is a requirement within 10 days of slipping and falling on a municipal property that you should notify the city's clerk about the incident after you fall on that property.

There is only a 60-day period for adequate notice to be given when you are injured on private property. The paralegals at our firm have a long history of resolving slip and fall claims throughout the province. It is well known that these types of events can have an adverse effect on the physical, emotional and financial health of an individual.

Slip and Fall: Commercial Liability

It is important to note that liability issues will vary depending on where the accident occurred. Restaurants, bars, and other commercial establishments, such as stores, bars, and restaurants, are responsible for keeping their premises safe for their patrons. Commercial properties often suffer slip and fall injuries due to wet floors, uneven tiles, or unsafe construction work, all of which could pose a hazard to the public. Commercial property owners may also be liable for poor lighting or failing to properly maintain an adjacent parking lot, among other factors.

Slip and Fall: Private Property Liability

The responsibility to maintain a safe environment for private property owners is the same as that for stores and businesses. Homeowners should take every precaution to ensure their home does not pose a risk to visitors when they invite guests over. Their driveways should be cleared of ice and snow so that friends, family members, and strangers can access them safely.

Additionally, landlords are generally responsible for maintaining rented properties. As a result, tenants may have the right to file a lawsuit against their landlords in the event of slip and fall accidents that have occurred on the rented property.

Slip and Fall: Government Property Liability

It is also important to note that some of the most common slip and fall injuries have been caused by improperly cleared roads and sidewalks during the winter months. In accordance with Ontario law, governments are responsible for the injuries sustained by visitors to sidewalks or roads if they are not properly maintained. In addition to public transit systems, airport terminals, parks, and government buildings that are located on government property, this liability extends to other properties owned by the government.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions. 

Slip and Fall Injuries

  • Do slip and fall settlements take a long time to settle?

    It can take a few months to four years to settle a slip and fall case due to the fact each case is unique.

  • When it comes to slip and fall cases, what is the average payout?

    A slip and fall case's average payout varies depending on the facts and extent of the injuries sustained.

  • Is it possible to sue a municipality in Canada for the removal of snow from their property?

    Depending on the province, you can sue the municipality if you are injured during snow removal. 

    Municipalities are required under the Municipal Act and Occupiers' Liability Act to ensure that their properties are safe for the public to use. 

    When snow removal creates a dangerous environment and an accident occurs, you can sue the municipality.

  • Can slip and fall claims be filed in Ontario after the statute of limitations expires?

    It should be noted that the statute of limitations for slip and fall injuries in Ontario is two years. Generally, there is a 60-day period from the date of the accident for injuries caused by snow and ice, which is an exception to this rule.

  • Is the Occupier's Liability Act used in Ontario to determine fault in slip-and-fall accidents?

    To determine fault in a slip and fall accident, Ontario, amongst other provinces, recognize and use the Occupiers' Liability Act.

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