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Disobeying Signs

Disobeying Signs

Highway Traffic Offences

When it comes to driving in Ontario, it is important to obey all traffic laws and signs. Breaking the law can result in serious penalties, which can range from fines to jail time. Understanding the penalties associated with disobeying traffic laws and signs can help you stay safe and compliant while driving in the province. 


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The Signs You Just Can't Ignore

Every driver in Ontario knows the importance of obeying traffic signs and regulations, but do you know the penalties and laws in place for disobeying them? Many drivers may not be aware of the consequences of ignoring traffic signs and regulations.

In Ontario, the Highway Traffic Act outlines the rules for driving in the province. It outlines the types of traffic signs and regulations that must be followed, and the penalties for drivers who don’t follow them. The penalties can range from fines to jail time depending on the severity of the violation.

The most common violations include speeding, running a red light, and failing to yield the right of way. For these violations, drivers can expect to receive a fine ranging from $50-$500. Drivers may also be assessed demerit points, which can lead to increased insurance premiums and license suspensions.

More serious violations, such as careless driving, racing, and impaired driving can result in a jail sentence, a fine of up to $50,000, and a suspension of a driver’s license. If a driver is convicted of a criminal offence related to a traffic violation, the penalties can be even more severe.

Drivers can also be charged with failing to obey a traffic sign or regulation. This includes not stopping at a stop sign, not obeying a “no left turn” sign, or not obeying a “no parking” sign. Fines for these violations range from $150-$500, but can also incur demerit points and possible license suspensions.

When it comes to disobeying traffic signs and regulations, it is important to understand the consequences. Drivers should take the time to familiarize themselves with the traffic laws in Ontario and the penalties that could be imposed for breaking them. Ignoring traffic signs and regulations can have serious consequences, so it is important to obey them at all times.

How to Get Out of a Traffic Ticket

We're the traffic ticket defence team you've been looking for.

We're the traffic ticket defence team you've been looking for.

You might think that traffic tickets are a minor annoyance, but they can have serious implications for your life. These days, getting caught with an unpaid or unappealed ticket can lead to license suspension, insurance hikes, and other serious consequences.

And if you're like most people, you don't have time to deal with all of that on top of your busy life! That's why we're here—we'll take care of everything so that you don't have to worry about your driving record being affected by a small mistake.

Our paralegals have years of experience in helping people get rid of their tickets and avoid paying fines or fighting their cases in court. We know how to handle every kind of traffic violation imaginable, and we'll help you through every step of the process so that we can get you back on the road as quickly as possible!

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Disobeying Signs

Here are a few things you should know about disobeying a sign ticket.

Traffic Tickets: Penalties for Disobeying Signs

Generally, if you are caught disobeying a sign, you face 3 demerit points and an $85 fine.

Traffic Tickets: The Importance of Challenging Them

For many traffic tickets, it’s tempting to just pay the fine instead of going through the hassle of fighting the ticket.

Traffic convictions cost more than you think – For traffic offences, the potential cost to you is much higher than the fine on the ticket.

From the damage to your driving record due to demerit points to the financial burden of higher vehicle insurance rates for at least three years, the real costs start if you plead guilty and pay the ticket.

Disobeying Stop Sign, Failing to Stop: Defined

You commit this offence if you fail to stop at a stop sign fully and completely. One of the most common charges under the Highway Traffic Act is this one. It doesn't matter if it's safe or not to proceed, if you don't stop completely, you are breaking the law.

Disobeying Stop Sign, Failing to Stop: Dealing With Your Ticket

There are three options listed on the back of your speeding ticket:

  • Plea of Guilty
  • Early Resolution
  • Trial Option*

*The trial option is the only one that gives you the chance to set a trial date and fight the speeding ticket in traffic court. It is important to note that some courts require an early resolution before scheduling a trial.

Disobeying Stop Sign, Failing to Stop: How to Defend Your Ticket

The following defences exist:

  • Disobeying a stop sign is classified as an "Absolute Liability" offence. The only requirement for proving an absolute liability offence in court is that the act was committed. In this respect, a defence of due diligence is not applicable.

A limited number of defences are available, including:

  • The prosecution must prove all elements of a disobey stop sign ticket beyond a reasonable doubt in the absence of any technical defences, such as date, time, jurisdiction, identity, etc. The prosecution generally needs eyewitness testimony to prove its case. To prove whether the violation occurred, the "prove it" defence challenges Crown evidence through cross-examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions. 

Disobeying Signs

  • If I get a ticket for disobeying signs, what is the demerit points?

    It would be three demerit points for disobeying signs.

  • How much is the fine for disobeying a sign?

    The fine for disobeying a sign in Ontario is $85.

  • If ticketed for disobeying a sign, how long will the ticket stay on my record?

    It will remain on your driving record for three years.

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