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Driving Under Suspension

Driving - Suspension

Ontario Provincial Offences

It is important to understand the laws surrounding driving with a suspended license in Ontario. In the province, driving with a suspended license is illegal and can result in a fine of up to $5,000 and/or a jail sentence of up to six months.


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Driving With a Suspended License

Driving with a suspended license in Ontario is an offence that carries serious consequences. If you are convicted of this offence, you may face hefty fines, jail time, an extended license suspension, and other penalties. In addition, you could face criminal charges, which could have long-term repercussions on your record.

It is important to understand the laws surrounding driving with a suspended license in Ontario. In the province, driving with a suspended license is illegal and can result in a fine of up to $5,000 and/or a jail sentence of up to six months. Driving under suspension can also result in an additional suspension of up to two years, and your license could even be cancelled.

If you have been charged with driving with a suspended license in Ontario, you should contact a lawyer immediately. A lawyer can help you understand the charges, review your case, and provide you with the best defence possible. It is also important to note that if you are convicted of driving with a suspended license, you will receive a conviction on your record, which could have long-term consequences.

It is important to take steps to avoid driving with a suspended license in Ontario. If you believe that your license is suspended, you should contact the Ministry of Transportation to confirm the status of your license. If you have been convicted of a driving-related offence, you should make sure that you follow the court order and pay all fines or complete any other requirements.

It is also important to remember that driving with a suspended license in Ontario is a serious offence with serious consequences. To avoid these consequences, it is important to always drive safely and obey all traffic laws. If you are ever unsure about the status of your license, make sure to contact the Ministry of Transportation.

How to Get Out of a Traffic Ticket

Driving without a license in Ontario can be a serious offence. Depending on the circumstances, it can carry hefty fines, jail time, and the potential to have your license suspended. Therefore, it’s important to know that Cordaie Paralegal Services is able to defend you if you’ve been charged with driving without a license in Ontario.

The most important thing to remember is that you are innocent until proven guilty. This means that the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you drove without a valid license. The prosecution must also prove that you knew you didn’t have a valid license at the time of the incident.

There are various defences that may be available to you if you’ve been charged with driving without a license. These include the following:

  1. You had a valid license at the time of the incident.
  2. You were not aware that your license had been suspended or revoked.
  3. You were driving under a valid license from another jurisdiction.
  4. You were driving a vehicle that does not require a license.
  5. You were driving in an emergency situation.
  6. You were not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offence.
  7. You were not the owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offence.
  8. The license plate or registration stickers were not visible from a reasonable distance.
  9. The officer who stopped you had no reasonable cause to believe that you were driving without a valid license.

10. You were not driving a motor vehicle at the time of the alleged offence.

These defences are just a few examples of the possible defences that may be available to you. It is important to keep in mind that each case is unique and the best defence will depend on the specific facts of your case.

If you have been charged with driving without a valid license in Ontario, it is important to seek legal counsel immediately. Our team at Cordaie Paralegal Services can help you understand your rights and determine the best course of action for your particular situation. They can also help you to understand what defences may be available to you.

Driving without a valid license in Ontario can have serious consequences. It is important to be aware of the defences that may be available to you and to contact us for a free consultation if you have been charged with an offence.

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Driving Under Suspension

Some common information about driving with a suspended license.

Driving with a Suspended Licence

In Ontario, if you are convicted of driving offences you can have your driving licence suspended or revoked. According to the Highway Traffic Act, you are not allowed to drive with a suspended licence under any circumstances, until your licence is reinstated. If you decide to drive while prohibited, you may receive a summons to court for driving under suspension in Ontario with severe penalties.

There are administrative driver's licence suspensions and those that were imposed by a court order specifically restricting you from operating a motor vehicle for a specific period. Police officers can easily scan and identify motor vehicle licence plates that belong to drivers whose driver's licence is currently under suspension.

Reasons Your License May Be Suspended

The most common reasons for Ontario driver's licence suspension are conviction for criminal driving offences, medical reasons, young and novice drivers, unpaid fines, failure to appear for trial, exceeding demerit points' limit, careless driving, and Criminal Code offences. Driver's licence suspension can be done by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, by the Ontario police, or by the Criminal Code.

What to Do if You're Charged With Driving While Prohibited

If you are charged with driving while prohibited in Ontario, it is important to make arrangements to get to the nearest Service Ontario office or call the Ministry of Transportation to reinstate your driver's licence privileges. Prepare for a court date and present an argument as to why it happened that you ended up driving while suspended in Ontario.

If there is a convincing argument that demonstrates the fact you could not have possibly known that you were suspended, you will be acquitted at trial. The process of fighting traffic tickets for driving while suspended is time and effort-consuming, and a conviction may result in severe penalties. It is better to contact us if you were caught driving on a suspended license as soon as possible and get legal representation.

Suspended Licence: How to Fight It

Hire a qualified legal team and get legal advice to fight a ticket, or fight it by yourself. Hire a knowledgeable paralegal who can find any deficiencies with the police officer's evidence to dismiss the charge or increase negotiating power to a substitute offence, lower reduced fine or reduce jail sentence. 

In case of a Criminal Code offence, we will advise you of everything they need to get from you before attending court appearances so you do not have to attend unless your presence is required to provide testimony.

Defending Yourself Against Driving Under Suspension

When fighting a ticket for driving while under suspension in Ontario, it is important to follow the procedure. This includes reinstating the driver's license, requesting a police officer's disclosure, developing a defence strategy, showing due diligence, demonstrating that you had done everything in your power to avoid committing a driving offence, and bringing any documents or letters that have relevant information to the case. Additionally, research previously decided cases to understand what evidence courts consider when making a decision. 

Finally, consult with us about your defence strategy on how to negotiate the best possible deal with the court without sabotaging your chances. It has already been our privilege to face many different cases and we know how to proceed more effectively.  Contact us for assistance with the alleviation of your driving under suspension charge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions. 

Driving Under Suspension

  • In Ontario, what are the penalties for driving with a suspended license?

    First-time offenders are subject to a penalty of $1,000 to $5,000. A fine of $2,000 to $5,000 or up to six months imprisonment will be imposed for each repeat offence.

  • Is your license suspended in Ontario? How can you find out?

    You can check the validity of your licence for free on the Ontario Driver’s License Check website.

  • When driving a vehicle with a suspended licence, what is the minimum fine?

    There is a minimum fine of $1,000, but everything depends on what the offence is and how the case is handled.

  • How long does driving with a suspended license get you in jail?

    The maximum term of imprisonment is no longer than six months.

  • In Ontario, what is the set fine for driving while suspended?

    Fine for a first offence - from $1,000 and up to $5,000; subsequent offences: from $2,000 to $5,000.

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